Sexologists help to restore the Intimacy Connection

Sexologists help to restore the Intimacy Connection

People who consult often take a long time before taking the plunge! A difficult step: Feeling of shame, failure, fear of being judged, or even feelings of shame and guilt for some! 

Talking about your sexuality is not easy, because it also means talking about yourself and your intimacy, your history, your fears, your fantasies, your beliefs, or even your secrets.

However, once the step is taken, once the right therapeutic alliance is found, the one where the patient feels confident with the Sexologist, within a respectful framework, then begins a path towards reconnection with the intimate and with oneself. 

The Sexologist then proposes avenues of investigation, and concrete solutions to reconnect with desire, pleasure,self-confidence, acceptance of one’s body so that harmony can develop in the couple, or in the patient’s life!

Why consult a Sexologist?

Sexology consultation is support for any person or couple who encounters difficulties in their sexual intimacy and the entire intimate sphere.

Individual difficulties may be related to sexual disorders, such as Premature Ejaculation, Impotence, lack of desire or pleasure, Erectile Dysfunction, pain during sexual intercourse, Vaginismus, Dyspareunia, etc., 

But also questions concerning sexual behavior, sexual functioning, fantasies, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex education, etc. and the care of victims of sexual abuse and violence, and others.

What is a sexologist?

The sexologist is a professional trained in several disciplines to support Adults, Adolescents, Children, who encounter difficulties, blockages, pain, questions, on the level of sexual mechanics, but also on disorders or blockages linked to the psychological, or physiological level. 

How does a session with a sexologist take place?

The sexologist will first of all receive the patient’s complaint or request, the diagnosis will be made after an “anamnesis”, and that is to say what traces the medical history and the history of the patient’s complaint in order to determine the type of disorder at the origin of the problem, in order to propose adapted solutions. A disorder can come from different causes: physiological, psychological, and contextual.

There is no physical examination at the Sexologist in Bangalore unless it is a physician, and this with the patient’s consent. The Sexologist works in cooperation with general practitioners, urologists, endocrinologists, and psychiatrists. 

Sexologists offer patients care within the framework of aCognitive Behavioural Therapy, psychophysical strategies, and therapeutic tools such as EMDR therapy, Hypnosis or other therapies adapted to the patient’s disorder.

Sexology and the couple

When, in a couple, sexual understanding is not or no longer there; what about the future of the relationship? The feelings and the desire to continue the adventure together may still be present, and it is possible to face sexual difficulties, but it is advised to the couple to take comprehensive care in the context of couple’s therapy.

Sex therapy is a brief therapy: that is to say between 1 and 10 sessions, or more depending on the case, and this within the framework of a global approach. It all depends on the problem. It is also possible to consult only once to get advice.