Sex related misconceptions and difficulties? Visit Sagar Dispensary

Sex related misconceptions and difficulties? Visit Sagar Dispensary

Most people’s exposure to information about sexuality during their formative years came from a mix of media and adult conversation.

As a result, kids have acquired a lot about sexuality via myths and half-truths. Misconceptions about some parts of life, though, can be entertaining.

However, partial truths can seriously affect STDs, marital problems, and unwanted pregnancies.

Those Misconceptions & difficulties are given below:

Okay, you’ve finally decided today is the day to debunk some sexist urban legends.

1. Sex burns many calories and can aid weight loss.

 It is estimated that between 85 and 150 calories might be burnt during 30 minutes of sexual activity.

To lose weight, you’ll need to burn 3,500 calories, equivalent to 35 sexual sessions.

A practical and reliable weight loss approach, sex is unrealistic and unreliable because the average time people spend having sex is closer to five minutes than thirty.

The highest increases in heart rate and blood pressure occur during the brief fifteen seconds of orgasm.

2. If you have periods, you will not become pregnant

Bleeding only occurs on about five days out of the usual 28-day menstrual cycle.

The uterine lining and any unfertilized eggs are expelled during this bleeding time.

3. All women orgasm during vaginal sex

A Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy study found that 37% of women needed extra stimulation to orgasm.

Clitoral stimulation is a reliable way to induce orgasms in most women.

4. You can’t conceive while standing up and having sex.

It’s a myth that sperm can’t reach the woman’s egg if they stand up during sexual activity.

The popular assumption that standing up can prevent pregnancy is false.

When a man ejaculates during vaginal sex, millions of sperm are discharged, and they can reach the egg even if the woman is standing.

Exercising hard, douching, or cleansing one’s vaginal area after having intercourse will not prevent pregnancy.

5. Condoms make sex less enjoyable

The fact is condoms come in a wide variety of designs. Choosing a condom that fits well and you both like is a joint responsibility.

For example, using a condom that is ultra-thin and ribbed might enhance the sex experience physically.

6. You can’t get pregnant from pre-cum

Lubricant pre-cum is secreted by a penile gland before the start of ejaculation.

Although sperm are typically not present in pre-cum, sperm have, on occasion, been shown to leak into this lubricant.

Semen can stick around in the urethra after ejaculation and mix with pre-cum as it travels down the tube.

7. Your spouse is responsible for supplying condoms.

Control your sexual and reproductive health instead of relying on your partner.Safer alternatives to vaginal intercourse include oral and anal sex.

The term “safer sex” is relative, as different forms of sexual activity carry varying degrees of danger.

The risks of an unintended pregnancy are minimalized during anal and oral intercourse.

So if you are facing Sex related misconceptions and difficulties? Visit Sagar Dispensary, the best sexologist in Bangalore


To avoid STIs or unwanted pregnancy, stay careful during sexual relations.

If you and your partner often have anal or oral sex, you should get frequent STI testing and stop a sexual activity if an STI is identified.