Is It Time to Visit a Sexologist? Key Signs to Watch

Is It Time to Visit a Sexologist

First of all, it is worth understanding that a sexologist is a specialist who provides psychological assistance to patients with sexual dysfunction. The Bangalore Sexologists help to achieve harmony in sexual life, and also carry out delicate work in the field of sexual education and correct sexual behavior.

The sexologist carries out complex psychological work with the patient, correcting his emotional and mental state, normalizing feelings and internal needs in intimate relationships. A specialist consultation is available at home without visiting the clinic.

People should contact a sexologist in the following cases:

  • In the complete absence or significant decrease of sexual desire
  • When aversion to sexual intercourse and decreased sexual pleasure occurs
  • In case of lack of erection, various erectile dysfunctions, vaginal dryness
  • In the development of anorgasmia
  • In case of premature ejaculation, as well as in case of difficulty
  • In the development of vaginismus and dyspareunia of non-organic origin (pain syndrome during sexual intercourse)
  • With increased sexual desire (nymphomania, satyriasis)
  • For signs of sexual maturation and sexual relations disorder

Advantages of contacting Bangalore Sexologists

  1. A competent Bangalore Sexologistwith many years of practical experience.
  2. A delicate approach to each patient.
  3. Solution of physiological and psychological aspects of disorders.
  4. Possibility to undergo the necessary examinations in one medical center.
  5. Advisory support and examination by doctors of related specialties: urologist-andrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.
  6. Pre-registration for an appointment at a time convenient for you.

When to see a Bangalore Sexologist

To this day, the topic of sex remains taboo for many people. If difficulties arise in the sexual sphere or questions bother them, people are embarrassed to ask them, keep silent about the problem and thus only worsen the situation. 

Few decide to admit the need for qualified help and come to see a specialist. But it is important to visit a sexologisttimely.

Signs to visit a sexologist in the following cases:

  • You don’t feel attracted to your partner;
  • You are not pleased with your sexual life;
  • Have problems achieving orgasm;
  • Fears of sexual intercourse arise;
  • No sex during pregnancy;
  • Thoughts about changing gender arise;
  • Have homosexual tendencies;
  • You experience complexes or shame that prevent you from relaxing and enjoying intimacy.

A sexologist in Bangalore is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases in the sexual sphere and will help to understand the psychological complexities of intimate relationships in a couple.

You can come to Bangalore Sexologists alone or with a partner – the doctor will listen carefully to your complaints, conduct a survey in the format of a confidential conversation, and identify the source of the problems that have arisen. 

The specialist has at his disposal methods for examining patients with various sexual disorders, including: psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, autogenic training, etc.

Last words

In particular, a doctor’s consultation is necessary for people who have faced sexual violence and serious psychological trauma. Professional help is required for parents of teenagers who are thinking about sex education and the formation of children’s sexuality.